Mellotron Presets For Serum
The Mellotron has a warm vintage sound, which is appreciated by audiophiles from all over the world...
The Mellotron is an electro-mechanical tape replay keyboard built in 1963 for the first time. It became famous, because the Beatles used it in some of their songs, which also caused it a become a popular instrument in progressive rock. The Mellotron contains a decent variety of sounds, such as strings, violas, cellos, pianos, flutes or choirs. Since all sounds are generated via audio tape the Mellotron has a warm vintage sound, which is appreciated by audiophiles from all over the world.
Due to the fact that there already are some free Mellotron sample packs available on the internet I wanted to give the famous tape sampler another twist. I layered some samples and imported them as wavetables into Xfer’s flagship synth Serum, adjusted some settings and made a free preset pack combining the best of anlog and digital. I’m not claiming that these patches will sound exactly like the real thing. My goal was rather to create something build upon the favored vibe of analog gear with the precision and flexibility of the digital world.
With Serum you’ll get control over all kinds of parameters, some of which are: ADSR, filters, pitch, time stretching, multiple voices etc.. Moreover you’ll get a whole range of integrated effects. To make your live a lot easier I’ve assigned the 4 most important parameters to macros, which will ensure a quick and easy workflow.
Since the Mellotron has a melancholic vibe I can imagine this soundpack beeing used for genres, such as future bass, pop or dark trap, but you can certainly use it for anything else.
Download contains:
- 17 Serum presets
- 17 Serum wavetables
- 17 Serum noises (layered samples)