
Unlike most choruses, Azurite allows for multiple simultaneous voices...

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Unlike most choruses, Azurite allows for multiple simultaneous voices. Each of these voices has its own delay line that is modulated by a separate LFO. Adding multiple voices leads to a thicker, smoother, and less wobbly tone. It also makes vivid stereo spreading possible with a mono signal. The Voices control chooses how many voices the chorus uses: one, two, four, or eight.

Other main features:

  • 2-band EQ.
  • LFO tempo sync.
  • Feedback control allows for flanger sounds.
  • 27 built-in presets.
  • Delay time from 0.2ms to 200ms.
  • 7 LFO shapes: Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, Ramp, Exponential, Inverse Exponential, and Random.
  • Spread control for stereo widening of a mono signal.
  • Control randomizer.
  • Other controls: Depth, Speed, Wet Mix, Output, Separation, Dry Delay.