Tokyo Dawn VOS SlickEQ

Designed for ease of use, musical flexibility and impeccable sound...


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TDR VOS SlickEQ is a free vmixing/mastering equalizer plugin designed for ease of use, musical flexibility and impeccable sound.

Three (and a half) filter-bands arranged in a classic Low/Mid/High semi-parametric layout offer fast and intuitive access to four distinct EQ modes, each representing a set of distinct EQ curves and behaviors. An elaborate auto gain option automatically compensates for changes of perceived loudness during EQ operation. Optionally, SlickEQ allows to exclusively process either the stereo sum or stereo difference (i.e. “stereo width”) without additional sum/difference encoding.

In order to warm up the material with additional harmonic content, SlickEQ offers a switchable EQ non-linearity and an output stage with 3 different saturation models. These options are meant to offer subtle and interesting textures, rather than obvious distortion. The effect is made to add the typical “mojo” often associated with classy audio gear.

An advanced 64bit multirate processing structure practically eliminates typical problems of digital EQ implementations such as frequency warping, quantization distortion and aliasing.

Beside the primary controls, the plug-in comes with an array of additional helpers: Advanced preset management, undo/redo, quick A/B comparison, copy & paste, an online help, editable labels, mouse-wheel support and much more.

Key specs and features

Intuitive, yet flexible semi parametric EQ layout
Full featured, modern user interface with outstanding usability and ergonomics
Carefully designed 64bit “delta” multi-rate structure
Three EQ bands with additional 18dB/Oct high-pass filter
Four distinct EQ models: “American”, “British”, “German” and “Soviet” with optional non-linearity
Four output stages: “Linear”, “Silky”, “Mellow” and “Deep”
Advanced saturation algorithms by VoS (“Stateful saturation”)
Highly effective and musically pleasing loudness compensated auto gain control
Stereo and sum/difference processing options
Tool-bar with undo/redo, A/B, advanced preset management and more