Valhalla Freq Echo
Best for pyschedlic skull melting chaos...
Not necessarily stoned, but beautiful.
Freq Echo is perfect for dub, Dr. Who, and all of your psychedelic needs.
Bode-Style Frequency Shifter + Analog Echo Emulation create surprising sonic effects. Subtle chorusing and double tracking to barberpole phasing and flanging to endless glissandos and runaway echos.
- Low cut and high cut controls for the feedback path, allowing for finer control over the echo decay.
- Stereo-in, stereo-out
- Tempo control
- Mouse-over Tool Tips
- Compatible with OSX (VST 32/64-bit, AU 32/64-bit, AAX 64-bit, RTAS) and Windows (VST 32/64-bit, AAX 64-bit, RTAS)