Audioblast Instalooper
InstaLooper is a simple looper with five integrated FX...
InstaLooper, is a looper, but not only.
This tool allows you to loop your music with different sizes of loops on 4 different loop rows, to pitch your loops, use the integrated effects on it and reverse it.
This plugin is useful for making live effects, or to program glitch effects when you create your tunes.
Operating systems
Linux, Mac, Windows
Key Features:
• 4 loops in a row
• On/off loop per row
• 10 sizes of loop from 1 bar to 1/32 beat per row
• 5 integrated effects per row – Bit Reducer, AutoPan, HiPass, Phazer, TimeExpand
• A pitch per row
• A Reverse effect per row
Each AUDIO BLAST software is designed for real-time creations and live performances that require tools that are easy to use.